March 30, 2021

Barb Stegemann: 7 Virtues

Barb Stegemann first launched her perfume company, The 7 Virtues, in her garage,  with only a mission to help war-ridden nations rebuild. Read on to find out more about her story and brand:

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and why you started 7 Virtues?

I never set out to make perfume. I was a journalist. After my mentor and best friend Captain Trevor Greene was attacked and severely injured in Afghanistan while in a peaceful shura, I promised him in the hospital I would carry on his mission of peace. I realized I didn’t have a way, I’m not a brave soldier, I’m not a world leader, but then I realized women own the buying power and the voting power and thought if we could harness those powers to reverse issues of war and poverty at the root, then I would be able to carry on his mission of peace. I wrote the book The 7 Virtues of a Philosopher Queen, A  woman’s guide to living & leading in an Illogical World. Women have read this book and launched companies, ended bullying and run for office.

A  few years later I read about this man, Abdullah, in Afghanistan and he and the NGO Turquoise Mountain had done a study that proved if you paid $8000 a liter USD for neroli oil you could get the farmers off the illegal poppy (used for heroin production). The same people that had hurt my friend were now knocking over his distillery, he just needed a buyer, and I knew I had found my way to help empower communities to rise up. Now countries from all over the world come to us and we work with them to secure natural, organic and fair trade essential oils that create long-lasting fragrances and provide jobs, dignity, and security to the farmers and their families.

Can you tell us what differentiates your perfumes?

The 7 Virtues is a leading clean beauty fragrance brand, providing not only a strong social purpose but delivering superior performance with nine Peace Perfumes from around the world. As part of Sephora’s Clean at Sephora program, all formulations are hypoallergenic, free of phthalates, parabens, formaldehyde, UV inhibitors, and sulfates. The fragrances are Leaping Bunny certified vegan, cruelty-free, and infused with natural organic sugar cane alcohol. Each of The 7 Virtues Eau du Parfums (EDP) are made with the highest concentrations (22-30% for long-lasting wear) of natural, organic, and fair trade essential oils to rebuild communities in Afghanistan, Haiti, India, Iran, Israel, Madagascar, Rwanda, India, and Egypt. Moreover, each fragrance delivers unique aromatherapeutic benefits, providing the ultimate self-care for the wearer, and honors the virtues of those we are seeking to help – wonder, balance, truth, courage, justice, wisdom, and beauty.

The 7 Virtues is a leading clean beauty fragrance brand, providing not only a strong social purpose but delivering superior performance with nine Peace Perfumes from around the world.

 How did you go about the R&D process to create that perfect “clean” scent?

We work with a skilled team of chemists and perfumers in London, UK. They break everything down to the molecule to ensure 100% clean standards. They work closely with our Sephora team who provide the guidelines and they also follow the strict EU standards.

What are some upcoming trends you see in the fragrance industry?

Perfume Oils.  We have all been using hand sanitizer so much I believe there is a sensorial component that people are gravitating towards nourishing our skin rather than drying it out.  The rich jojoba oil in my new Perfume Oils is extremely moisturizing.

Sustainability in packaging is crucial as well. We must continue to do good for our souls, our bodies, and our planet.

What does it mean to be a #beautyboss?

 Living The 7 Virtues, they provide guaranteed principles that can’t fail you. Women deserve to succeed and break through glass ceilings. The 7 Virtues are, Wonder (instead of judgment) balance, truth, courage, justice, wisdom, and Beauty (But beauty defined as your power and your dignity). Living the 7 Virtues can’t fail you. It’s 2400-year-old wisdom from the stoics. I live the daily practice of these virtues and it’s helped me to navigate through unknown territory and to overcome my fears and anxiety to thrive. This is how we lift one another too. Not judging, being open and filled with wonder, that’s where all the resources we need appear. So we must live this if we are going to reverse issues of war and poverty as beauty bosses.


We love Barb’s mission-driven fragrance brand. Don’t forget to check out 7 virtues here:

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